PB-vintercup 2025

PB-vintercup är en nattorienteringscup med 4 etapper varannan tisdag:

Etapp 1: 2025-01-21 vid Bällstabergsskolan (sprint)
Anmälan: Eventor – Tävlingsinformation: PB-vinter-OL etapp 1

Etapp 2: 2025-02-04 vid Vallentuna Padel, Stängselboda
Anmälan: Eventor – Tävlingsinformation: PB-vinter-OL etapp 2

Etapp 3: 2025-02-18 vid Vallentuna gymnasium (sprint)
Anmälan: Eventor – Tävlingsinformation: PB-vinter-OL etapp 3

Etapp 4: 2025-03-04 Vid Gustavs udde (avslutning med korvgrillning)
Anmälan: Eventor – Tävlingsinformation: PB-vinter-OL etapp 4

Inbjudan för alla etapper finns HÄR

Välkomna !

One comment

  1. Businessiraq.com is more than just a directory; it’s a platform that connects talent with opportunity through its robust Job and Tender Directory. Businesses can efficiently advertise job openings while job seekers can easily find positions suited to their skills and career aspirations in Iraq. By incorporating localized SEO strategies that highlight employment opportunities in Iraq and tender submissions, the site maximizes its reach among both employers and potential employees. This not only benefits individual careers but also contributes to the overall growth of the Iraqi economy by filling essential roles across various sectors.

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